Sufferers of chronic respiratory disease join calls for plain packaging legislation

Sufferers of smoking-related heart attack, lung cancer and chronic respiratory disease today (Thursday January 23rd) urged the Government to stand firm against the power of the global tobacco industry by passing planned new plain packaging legislation. Speaking in Buswell’s Hotel, Dublin before the start of public hearings at the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and […]

ITS Call under the MRCG HRB Joint Funding Scheme 2014

The Irish Thoracic Society (ITS) is pleased to announce a call for research projects under the 2014 MRCG/HRB Joint Funding Scheme to the value of €100,000.00 over two years. This call is made possible thanks to the support of GlaxoSmithKline Ireland through an unrestricted research grant. We are inviting research proposals that support the Irish Thoracic […]

Asthma Society of Ireland / Irish Thoracic Society Research Bursary 2013

The Asthma Society of Ireland/Irish Thoracic Society Joint Research Bursary has been awarded to Professor Richard Costello and Dr Imran Sulaiman of Beaumont Hospital, Dublin to fund a research study assessing asthma inhaler use in General Practice. Presenting the award, Ms Sharon Cosgrove, CEO of the Asthma Society of Ireland, said: “Research into the causes […]

Irish Lung Health Alliance Public Lectures

With 1 in 7 people in Ireland having an undiagnosed lung condition and Ireland having the third highest death rate from lung disease in Europe, causing 1 in 5 deaths, it is vital that people know how to maximise their lung health by taking simple steps, including regular exercise and avoidance of environmental exposures that […]

Launch of COPD Support Ireland

Monday 21st October, 2013: A new patient organisation aimed at providing support for almost half a million Irish people living with a potentially deadly respiratory condition was launched by Mr Alex White TD, Minister of State, Department of Health with responsibility for Primary Care at an event in Dublin today. COPD Support Ireland is a […]

Asthma Society of Ireland and Irish Thoracic Society Joint Research Bursary

Investigating the benefits of Vitamin D in patient’s with asthma The inaugural Asthma Society of Ireland/Irish Thoracic Society Joint Research Bursary has been awarded to a research team led by Dr. John Faul and Mr. Conor Kerley, Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown, Dublin to support research on the importance of Vitamin D deficiency in asthma. Presenting the […]