A 6 month patient profile of the Connolly Hospital COVID-19@Home Monitoring Service

Title: A 6 month patient profile of the Connolly Hospital COVID-19@Home Monitoring Service
Author(s): S. Delahunty, S. Nolan, Dr. L. Cormican, C. Feeney, H. Johnston, A. McGowan, L. Brien, M. McGrane, C. Devine C. Browne
Institution: Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown
Poster: Click to view poster
Category: COVID 19
Abstract: The study aimed to provide a six month insight into the service outcomes and user demographics of the COVID-19 at Home (CO@H) Remote Monitoring Service in Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown. The service was founded to optimise timely discharge, appropriately escalate acute deterioration, minimise patient mortality and enhance acute recovery following COVID-19 infection.

Collation and analysis of patient data from both inpatient and CO@H monitoring periods. Utilised a bespoke database and patients logging data four times daily via patientMpower technology.

126 patients were enrolled onto the programme, 123 of which completed the programme with 0% mortality. The patient cohort ranged from 20-88 years with 53.2%:46.8% male:female. 8% of patients (9) developed a PE pre-enrolment on the service. One patient who was re-admitted developed a PE during their re-admission. 8% of patients who completed the CO@H programme required re-admission to hospital. Upon discharge, resting tachycardia (≥100bpm) was found in 16.3% of patients who completed the service (20/123) and 21% required referral to post COVID-19 physiotherapy (26/123).

Irish (63): 50%
Asian (15): 11.9%
African (10): 7.9%
Other European (32): 25.4%
Unknown (4): 3.2%

In-patient Care:
ICU (7): 5.5%
Intubation (4): 3.2%
NIV, CPAP, BiPAP, Airvo, Hi-flow O_2 (8): 6.3%
O2 (82): 65%
Antibiotics (110): 87.3%
Steroids (102): 81%
Anti-coagulation (88): 69.8%
Vitamin D (50): 39.7%
Diuretics (26): 20.6%
Remdesivir (6): 4.8%
Tocilizumab (5): 4%

3+ co-morbidities (23): 18.5%
Cardiac history (42): 33.9%
Respiratory condition (32): 25.8%
Asthma (16): 12.7
HTN (33): 26.2%
COPD (5): 4%
Increased BMI (16): 12.7%
CCF (6): 4.8%
High cholesterol (11): 8.7%
DM (11): 8.7%
T1DM (2): 1.6%
T2DM (9): 7.1%
CVA (3): 2.4%
Cancer (3): 2.4%
Ex-smoker (6): 4.8%
Discharged on anticoagulation (47): 37.3%

Reason for Readmission:
Desaturation (6): 4.8%
High temperature (4): 3.2%
Chest pain (2): 1.6%
Gastric issues (1): 0.8%
Pneumonia (1): 0.8%
Irregular heart rate (1): 0.8%
Productive cough (1): 0.8%

CO@H is a safe and effective method to monitor patients at home. Patients had their care appropriately escalated in the case of deterioration. Early access to Post COVID-19 physiotherapy services was provided for timely chronic disease management. At monitoring completion, resting tachycardia was evident within this patient group.