Cognitive Dissonance and its near fatal consequences.

Title: Cognitive Dissonance and its near fatal consequences.
Author(s): M McCall P Gallogly J Wielboldt
Institution: Daisy Hill Hospital
Poster: Click to view poster
Abstract: Cognitive Dissonance and its near fatal consequences

M McCall, J Wieboldt, Department of thoracic medicine, South West Acute hospital, Enniskillen, Western Health and Social Care Trust.

The case of a 63-year-old lady (KMcB) who presented to hospital and was admitted to ITU requiring intubation and ventilation. She remained here for a number of weeks and was eventually discharged from hospital on LTOT with a diagnosis of interstitial lung disease and an acute exacerbation of the same.

She was readmitted a number of weeks later with progressive respiratory failure and eventually progressed to the point of receiving end of life care with a do-not-resuscitate order before a HIV test was performed which came back positive. This led to a complete reversal of treatment decisions and a diagnosis of PJP and CMV pneumonitis.

The patient was finally discharged without any long-term oxygen. This case highlights the importance of recognising the biases in our decisions. Particularly around HIV and sexual health.