Initial experience of virtual pulmonary rehabilitation in a district general hospitalin a

Title: Initial experience of virtual pulmonary rehabilitation in a district general hospitalin a
Author(s): R McGarrigle, R.Sharkey
Institution: Western Health & Social Care Trust
Poster: Click to view poster
Category: Miscellaneous
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the delivery of the face to face pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) programme in the Western Trust. As a result, a virtual PR programme was introduced in order to meet the needs of the service users.
With the support of the Trust IT department, educational videos featuring the current PR team were recorded and made available to participants on the Trust You-tube site. During the interactive section of the 6 week programme, the participants undertake exercise at home and were monitored virtually by the PR team.
Between January and October 2021, 36 participants completed the virtual PR programme (19 Female and 15 Male) with age range from 44-80 years. Of the total number of patients (57) pre-assessed, 46 patients opted for the virtual programme with 36 (75%) of these patients completing the programme. Feedback was collected via questionnaires – of the 24 questionnaires sent out, 22 (92%) questionnaires were completed. 16 patients (73%) who completed feedback found the virtual PR programme to be beneficial or very beneficial.
There is no doubt that the virtual programme has a role to play for a certain cohort of patients who undergo pulmonary rehabilitation.