The of impact of a new diagnostic needle implementation on quality of sampling in EBUS-TBNA

Title: The of impact of a new diagnostic needle implementation on quality of sampling in EBUS-TBNA
Author(s): L Power T McHugh C Higgins R Morgan M E O'Brien
Institution: Beaumont Hospital
Poster: Click to view poster
Category: Lung Cancer/CF/ILD/Surgery
Abstract: Endobronchial ultrasound-transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) is indicated for sampling of thoracic lymph nodes and lung masses located near central airways.
New Olympus® Vizishot 2® FNA needles were introduced in Beaumont Hospital in January 2020 alongside the existing Cook® EchoTip® FNA needles.
We examined periods before and after introduction of the new needles to assess for tissue adequacy, need for repeat procedures, and tissue adequacy for molecular studies.
This study was registered as a clinical audit. Data was examined for all patients undergoing EBUS from September to December 2019 (Cook® EchoTip® Needle; n=54) and March to June 2020 (Olympus® Vizishot 2®; n=59). Tissue adequacy was determined from pathology reports.
In total, 113 patient were included in the study. The most frequent indication for EBUS was Lung mass, 50.44% (57/113). 6/51 (11.1%) Cook® TBNA samples were deemed inadequate vs 11/59 (18.6%) Olympus® TBNA samples, P=0.43.
In the Cook® group there were 7 (12.9%) repeat EBUS procedures, and 3 repeat procedures (5.08%) in the Olympus® group, P=0.19.
Multiple regression analysis was performed to rule out operator-dependent variation.
In conclusion, adoption of Olympus® needle resulted in non-inferior pathologic outcomes to Cook® needle, with a non-significant trend towards reduction in repeat EBUS procedures. Less repeat procedures in the Olympus® group may have benefit in improving diagnostic capacity in bronchoscopy, reduce time/key performance indicators for lung cancer care, and improve the patient experience.