ITS Cases of the Month

July 2012 Case Presentation – Dr Amani El Gammal August 2012 Case Presentation – Dr Fatma Gargoum September 2012 Case Presentation – Dr Oisin O’Connell October 2012 Case Presentation – Dr Tidi Hassan

ITS Annual Scientific Meeting 2012

The Irish Thoracic Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2012 which will take place on the 23rd and 24th November in the Limerick Strand Hotel, Limerick

ITS Annual Scientific Meeting 2012

The Irish Thoracic Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2012 which will take place on the 23rd and 24th November in the Limerick Strand Hotel, Limerick Read more

Irish COPD re-admission rates amongst the highest in Europe

According to the results of a recent Audit of COPD Care in Europe, half of all patients admitted with COPD in Ireland are either dead (8%) or re-admittted to hospital (41%) within 90 days. The study into COPD care in 422 hospitals in 13 countries across Europe, including 11 Irish centres, also showed that hospital […]

ITS Annual Scientific Meeting 2012

According to the results of a recent Audit of COPD Care in Europe, half of all patients admitted with COPD in Ireland are either dead (8%) or re-admittted to hospital (41%) within 90 days. The study into COPD care in 422 hospitals in 13 countries across Europe, including 11 Irish centres, also showed that hospital […]

Irish COPD re-admission rates amongst the highest in Europe

According to the results of a recent Audit of COPD Care in Europe, half of all patients admitted with COPD in Ireland are either dead (8%) or re-admittted to hospital (41%) within 90 days. The study into COPD care in 422 hospitals in 13 countries across Europe, including 11 Irish centres, also showed that hospital […]

Nationwide campaign to breathe new life into lung health

The ‘Love your Lungs’ campaign aims to encourage people to get their lungs tested, particularly if they have symptoms such as shortness of breath, persistent cough or wheeze. Testing can provide an early indication of diseases such as asthma, lung fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Early detection of these diseases can greatly improve […]

ATS Highlights Meeting in Pictures

Dr. Ian Counihan (Speaker), St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Prof. Charles Gallagher (Chairperson), Dr. Louisa Glackin (Speaker), Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin, Dr. Eleanor Dunican (Speaker), Midland Regional Hospital, Mullingar, Dr. Robert Smyth (Speaker), Connolly Hospital. Prof. Stephen Lane,Tallaght Hospital, Dr. Breda Cushin, Prof. Charles Gallagher (Chairperson), Dr. Hassoon Al-Sarraf, St. Vincent’s University Hospital. Ms. Joan […]