ITS ASM 2022 Highlights – Guest Speakers

We were delighted to welcome an excellent line-up of Guest Speakers to the ITS Annual Scientific Meeting 2022.

Pictured above: Dr Elliott Crouser, Professor of Medicine, Ohio State University College of Medicine Developments in Sarcoidosis Pathogenesis and Treatment who spoke on “Developments in Sarcoidosis Pathogenesis and Treatment”

Pictured above: Professor Franco Laghi, Professor of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Loyola University Chicago and Hines VAH who spoke on “What Physiology is Essential to the Respirologist in 2022?”

Pictured above:  Professor Aurelie Fabre, Consultant Histopathologist, UCD Full Clinical Professor UCD School of Medicine, St Vincent’s University Hospital Dublin who spoke on “Role of the Pathologist in the Diagnosis of Interstitial Lung Diseases”

Pictured above: Dr Stanley Miller, National Clinical Lead Respiratory, Consultant Respiratory Physician Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Dublin who spoke on “Integrated Respiratory Care: Seamless End-to-End Patient-Centred Care”