Irish Thoracic Society ASM 2022

ITS ASM 2022 Killashee Hotel, Naas

We’re looking forward to welcoming you to the first ITS ASM  since 2019!  This takes place on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of December 2022 in the Killashee Hotel, Naas.  Registration and accommodation details are now available.

Press Release for World Lung Day 2022

Press Release World Lung Day 2022

Ahead of World Lung Day on Sunday September 25, Lung Health Coalition Calls on Health Service to Urgently Combat Delays in Breathing Test Diagnostics  – Survey shows widespread staff vacancies, with many patients having to wait months, even years, for simple diagnostic breathing tests –  “At the moment, we are being left to make an […]

ITS Summer 2022 Case Forum – Prize Winners

The Prize winners at the ITS Summer Case Forum – Oral Presentations: Dr Sarah Farrell, Dr Matthew Chad Eastwood and Dr Margaret Higgins Poster Presentations: Dr Junaid Rasul Awan, Dr David O’Sullivan and Dr Kate Somers    

ITS Statement Regarding Vectura Acquisition by PMI

Irish Thoracic Society Statement Regarding Vectura Acquisition by PMI The Irish Thoracic Society (ITS) joins with the global respiratory healthcare community1 in condemning the recent acquisition of Vectura, a company which produces devices for inhaled medications, by tobacco company Philip Morris International (PMI). The acquisition raises a number of serious ethical and regulatory issues not […]

ITS A. Menarini ATS Bursary 2022

The Irish Thoracic Society is pleased to offer two Bursaries to attend the American Thoracic Society (ATS) Meeting taking place in San Francisco on the 13 – 18 May,  kindly supported by A. Menarini Pharmaceuticals.  The first bursary, to the value of €5,000, will be awarded based on an evaluation of abstracts submitted to the […]

Irish Donor Network Expresses Deep Concern at Significant Decline in Transplantation and Organ Donation Rates & Calls for Range of Measures from Government

Irish Donor Network Expresses Deep Concern at Significant Decline in Transplantation and Organ Donation Rates & Calls for Range of Measures from Government   – Organ transplant rate down by 32% in 2020 compared with 2019 with deceased organ donation rate down by 27%  – Ireland only in 18th place out of EU28 countries for transplants […]

ITS Call under HRCI HRB Joint Funding Scheme 2022

We are pleased to announce a call for research projects under the HRCI HRB Joint Funding Scheme 2022 to the value of €100,000 over two years. This call is made possible thanks to the kind support of GSK through an unrestricted grant. The scheme involves a detailed application and international peer review process. To facilitate this our […]