ITS A Menarini Pharmaceuticals ATS Travel Bursaries 2016

Dr. Robert Smyth and Dr. Laura Gleeson, both SpR’s in Respiratory Medicine, have been awarded the A.Menarini Pharmaceuticals ATS travel bursaries to the values of €5,000 each. These awards were open to SpR’s on the Specialist Registrar Training Programmes in Respiratory Medicine or Paediatrics with an interest in Respiratory Medicine. Read More  

ITS Respiratory Challenge

Winners of the ITS Respiratory Challenge, kindly supported by Astra Zeneca, pictured left to right: Dr Mohammed Ahmed, Dr Deirdre Fitzgerald, Dr Breda Cushen, Dr Kenneth Bolger with Hosts and Quiz Masters Professor Muiris X FitzGerald and Professor JJ Gilmartin.

Asthma Society of Ireland and Irish Thoracic Society Joint Research Bursary

The Asthma Society of Ireland – Irish Thoracic Society Joint Research Bursary 2015, kindly supported by Novartis, was presented to Dr Patrick Mitchell for his research into the role of  IL-33 and its receptor and GLP-1 and its receptor on eosinophils in a mild allergic cohort following a bronchial allergen challenge. Pictured are: Ms Niamh […]

Cystic Fibrosis Ireland – Irish Thoracic Society – Gilead Research Fellowship

The recipient of the Cystic Fibrosis Ireland Irish Thoracic Society Gilead Research Fellowship is Dr Suzanne Carter, St Vincent’s University Hospital for her project titled ‘Understanding Acute Pulmonary Exacerbations in Cystic Fibrosis’.  Pictured are Mr Philip Watt, CFI, Dr Suzanne Carter, receiving her award, Prof Anthony O’Regan, Irish Thoracic Society, Dr Ed McKone, St Vincent’s […]

Irish Guidelines on Long Term Oxygen Therapy Launched

Irish Guidelines on Long Term Oxygen Therapy (LTOT) developed by The Respiratory Nurses Association of Ireland (ANAIL) in collaboration with the Irish Thoracic Society (ITS) and the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP) were launched at the ITS Annual Scientific Meeting 2015. Read more

Asthma Society of Ireland and Irish Thoracic Society Joint Research Bursary – €10,000

This competition is open to all medical and allied health professionals in the Republic of Ireland who are members of the Irish Thoracic Society. The bursary is supported by Novartis through an unrestricted educational grant. PROJECT CRITERIA Proposals must comprise a research project which will have a defined benefit for people with asthma and/or their […]

World TB Day 2015

To mark World TB Day, Tuesday 24th March, the ITS has identified a number of principles that are central to tackling TB: Educate healthcare professionals and members of the public to recognise the symptoms of TB. Routine testing for TB should be encouraged in patients with persistent cough and phlegm or other symptoms of TB […]

Cystic Fibrosis Ireland – Irish Thoracic Society – Gilead Research Fellowship

The fellowship is aimed at helping a young clinician with an interest in cystic fibrosis, who is in the early stages of his or her career, to carry out basic or clinical research projects and to develop, acquire, and apply advanced research procedures and techniques in the area of cystic fibrosis medicine and healthcare. Priority […]